HomeVisionXL Plugins
The user can define plug-ins to be incorporated into the HomeVision interface
The software will search in various places for files with a .hap
extension. If a HVPLUGINPATH environment variable exists, the directories
specified in there will be searched first. Multiple directories can be
specified by separating them with a colon (semicolon on windows). If the
environment variable does not exist, the hvplugin directory in the user's
HOME directory is checked. Finaly the plugin subdirectory from the location
where the HomeVision software is installed is examined. If a plug-in with
the same name exists in more than one of the searched directories, only the
first instance will be loaded. plug-ins are loaded in alphabetical order,
independent of the directory they are located in.
The plug-in file is interpreted as a Tcl script and may contain all standard
Tcl commands as well as some special HomeVision commands described below.
Global level commands will be executed to initialize the plug-in. A plug-in
will typically setup and arm event handlers that will be invoked when a
certain event occurs. This can be an external event (eg: data has been
received on a socket that was opened by the plug-in), a HomeVision event (eg: a
special string was sent by the HomeVision controller), or a user event (eg:
the user selects a menu entry created by the plug-in).
The author of a plug-in should make sure that both the plug-in initialization
code and the event handlers return control back to the main program within a
reasonable time. Otherwise the plug-in will cause the application to "freeze".
A number of example plug-ins can be found on the
download page. In addition to providing useful
functionality, these plug-ins can also be used to learn how to use the
commands described below.
Object types
Many of the plug-in commands take an object type as one of the arguments. The
following object types exist:
analog | Analog input port |
flag | Flag |
input | Input port |
ir | Infrared signal |
light | Custom Light |
macro | Macro |
output | Output port |
pe | Periodic event |
se | Scheduled event |
temp | Digital temperature sensor |
timer | Timer |
var | Variable |
x10 | X-10 module |
zone | IR Transmit zone |
hvac | Thermostat |
security | Security zone |
Some commands only support a limited set of object types.
HomeVisionXL plug-in command summary
hvAddObject objectType
Add a new object of the specified type. Valid object types are: flag,
ir, light, macro, pe, se, timer
and var.
hvConfig ?-encrypt? ?-keep? ?variable
Returns or sets a plug-in configuration variable. These variables
will be saved in the homevisionrc file on exit of the application.
This way user settings can be preserved between sessions. Variable
names can be chosen freely.
If both arguments are specified, the configuration variable is set to the
specified value. If value is an empty string then the configuration
variable is destroyed, unless the -keep option was specified.
If only a variable name is specified, the current value of the configuration
variable is returned. If no arguments are specified, a list of all currently
existing configuration variables and their values is returned.
The -encrypt option encrypts the value of the variable before it is
stored in the resource file. Of course this does not provide a very secure
method of storing secret information, but it does prevent passers-by reading
sensitive information off your screen.
[The -encrypt option was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b14]
The -keep option allows configuration variables to be set to the
empty string.
[The -keep option was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b18]
hvConfigFile subcommand ?args?
Plug-ins that need to store some data in a file can use this command to
simply manage these configuration files. The command will make sure the data
is stored in a directory appropriate for the current platform.
The following subcommands are available:
- path
- Returns the configuration path: a list of directories to be searched
when accessing configuration files.
- open name ?access?
- The command will look for a file with the specified name in all the
relevant directories. If found, the file will be opened and the file handle
is returned to the caller. An error occurs if the file cannot be found.
- create name ?access? ?permissions?
- The command will create a file with the specified name in the first
directory of the configuration path where the user has sufficient
permissions for creating files. The handle to the opened file is returned to
the caller. An error occurs if the file cannot be opened in any of the
directories on the configuration path.
- rename oldname newname
- Rename a configuration file, overwriting the target if it exists. This
can be useful when the configuration data is first saved to a temporary file.
Only if no errors occur, the actual configuration file is overwritten using
this subcommand.
- delete name
- Delete any existing configuration files with the specified name on the
configuration path. No errors occur if no such file exists or if the file
can not be deleted.
The name argument may contain a single file name or a relative path
to a file. The access argument indicates the way in which the file is
to be accessed. This may be specified as (r|w|a)[+][b] or a list containing
and TRUNC. The permissions argument specifies the permission settings
for the created file.
[The hvConfigFile command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b9]
hvConstant ?-index? ?category?
?name? ?value?
Obtain or modify a named constant. When executed without any arguments, the
command will return a list of named constant categories.
When only a category is specified, a list of named constants within that
category is returned. If no category by that name exists, the command
produces an error.
When both a category and a name are specified, the value of the named
constant within the specified category is returned. If either the category
or the named constant doesn't exist an error is returned.
If a category, a name, and a value is specified, the value of the named
constant is updated. If the category and/or the named constant does not
exist, it will be created. If the maximum number of categories or named
constants has already been reached, the command returns an error.
If the -index option is specified, instead of returning a constant or
category by name its internal identification is returned. This may be useful
for creating action code. When the -index option is used, the value
argument must not be present.
[The hvConstant command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b11]
[The -index option was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.2]
hvDelObject objectType
Delete an object of the specified type. Valid object types are: flag,
ir, light, macro, pe, se, timer
and var.
Loads the currently opened schedule into the HomeVision controller.
hvEventHook event ?script?
Define a script that will be executed when the specified event
occurs. If script is an empty string then the current binding for
the event is destroyed. If event is specified without a script,
then the script currently bound to the event is returned, or an empty
string is returned if there is no binding for the event. Valid
events are:
ready |
The main application has finished initializing and is ready for user
interaction. |
connect |
The application has connected to the HomeVision controller.
disconnect |
The application has disconnected from the HomeVision controller.
open |
A schedule file was opened. |
new |
A new empty schedule file was created. |
change |
The schedule in memory has been changed. |
reorder |
The user has reordered some objects. The script will be called with an
additional parameter: a list consisting of alternating object type
and location map for all affected object types. The location map is
a list giving the new location for each object of the indicated type.
download |
The current schedule is about to be downloaded into the HomeVision
controller. |
loaded |
The schedule has been downloaded into the HomeVision controller. |
remdownload |
The current schedule is about to be downloaded into the HomeVision
controller by a remote internet HomeVisionXL application (Introduced in
HomeVisionXL 2.0b18). |
remloaded |
The schedule has been downloaded into the HomeVision controller by a
remote internet HomeVisionXL application (Introduced in HomeVisionXL
2.0b18). |
loadprogress |
This event fires periodically during a schedule download. The command
bound to this event will be called with an extra argument indicating the
percentage of the download that has completed. (Introduced in HomeVisionXL
2.1) |
statusupdate |
An automatic status update report was received. |
x10update |
An automatic x10 update or x10 house code update report was received. |
flagupdate |
An automatic flag update report was received. |
varupdate |
An automatic flag update report was received. |
inputupdate |
An automatic input port update report was received. |
outputupdate |
An automatic output port update report was received. |
analogupdate |
An automatic analog input port update report was received. |
digitaltempupdate |
An automatic digital temperature sensor update report was received. |
lightupdate |
An automatic custom lighting update report was received. |
hvacupdate |
An automatic HVAC system update report was received. |
securityupdate |
An automatic security zone update report was received. |
systrayhide |
The main application has withdrawn to the system tray. |
systrayshow |
The main application has been restored from the system tray. |
exit |
The application is about to exit. |
hvExecTrigger ?string?
Submit a string to the trigger parsing code, causing any matching triggers
to be executed.
[The hvExecTrigger command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 0.80]
hvExit ?options?
Cause the application to terminate. See hvOpenSchedule for the
available options.
hvGetLine ?timeOut?
Wait for a line from the HomeVision controller. A timeout in milliseconds
can be specified which defaults to 2000.
With this command the Tk extension to Tcl is enabled and initialized for use
within the plug-in. This allows the use of the Tk GUI widgets in a plug-in for
interaction with the user. The "." window is created in a withdrawn state.
hvHelp topic
Show the specified Help topic in the Help viewer.
[The hvHelp command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 0.80]
hvHelpFile helpfile
Add the HTML pages in the specified helpfile to the HomeVisionXL help
system. The helpfile should be a ZIP file containing one or more files in
HTML format and optionally some image files. Only a limited set of HTML tags
is supported and the only image formats that can be displayed are GIF and PNG.
hvInfraredData signalNum ?data?
Returns or sets the infrared pulse data of the specified infrared signal.
hvImport ?-name name?
Import a public procedure from another plug-in. Calling the procedure will
actually run the procedure in each plug-in that published it. As a result
the return value from invoking the command is a list with the return values
from the procedure in each of the plug-ins that published it.
Using the -name option the command can be given a name in the
importing plug-in that differs from the published name. This may be
necessary to resolve a clash with an existing command in the plug-in. It
also opens up the possibility to put the imported command in a namespace.
[The hvImport command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 0.58]
[The -name option was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.2]
hvLastUpdate objectType ?set?
Returns a clock value for the last time the object type state was updated.
If the set argument represents a true boolean value, the last update time is
set to the current time. The application automatically sets the last update
time for the standard object types, as well as for "status". A plug-in
may set and query additional object types.
hvLightConfigure setting ?value?
Using this command the Custom Lighting system configuration can be accessed
from within a plug-in. If no value is specified, the current value of the
setting is returned. Otherwise the setting will be changed to the provided
value, if it is valid. The available settings are:
- method
- The custom lighting system control method. Allowed values are:
none |
Disable custom lighting |
default |
Using automatic serial messages |
user |
Using user created macros and variables |
- maxlevel
- The maximum light level. Possible values are 1 through 255
- port
- The HomeVision com port to use for communication with the lighting
system. This setting is only applicable for the default control method.
Allowed values are: 1, 2, 3, 4.
- header
- The header character to use when sending a serial command to the
lighting system. This setting is only applicable for the default control
method. The value must be any single char.
- macro
- The macro to be executed for Custom Lighting commands. This setting is
only applicable for the user control method. Possible values are 0 through
- idvar
- The variable to use for passing the Light number to the macro. This
setting is only applicable for the user control method. Possible values are
0 through 254.
- addrvar
- The variable to use for passing the Light's address to the macro.
This setting is only applicable for the user control method. Possible values
are 0 through 254.
- extravar
- The variable to use for passing the Light's extra byte to the macro.
This setting is only applicable for the user control method. Possible values
are 0 through 254.
- cmdvar
- The variable to use for passing the Lighting command to the macro.
This setting is only applicable for the user control method. Possible values
are 0 through 254.
- data1var
- The variable to use for passing the Lighting command's first data byte
to the macro.
This setting is only applicable for the user control method. Possible values
are 0 through 254.
- data2var
- The variable to use for passing the Lighting command's second data byte
to the macro.
This setting is only applicable for the user control method. Possible values
are 0 through 254.
- ramprates
- A list of descriptions of the available ramp rates for the Custom
Lighting system.
hvLogMessage message
- Log the specified message to the HomeVisionXL log file.
[The hvLogMessage command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b14]
hvLookupTable command ?arg ... ?
This command provides access to the lookup tables defined in the current
schedule. Tables can be referenced by index or by name. Available
subcommands are:
- add ?name?
- Add a new lookup table. If a name is specified the new table name
will be set to that value
- count
- Returns the number of lookup tables defined
- delete
- Delete the highest numbered lookup table
- index table
- Returns the index of the specified table
- name table
- Returns the name of the specified table
- value table ?index? ?value? ?index
value ...?
- Without any index specified, this command returns a list with all
256 entries from the lookup table. If only a single index is
specified this command will return the value in the lookup table at the
specified index. Otherwise the value for each of the specified indexes is
set to the accompanying values.
hvMainMenu menu label ?label ...?
Create a new cascade menu from the HomeVisionXL main menu or return the name
of an existing cascade menu. This can be used to easily add entries to the
Plugins menu, creating it if necessary.
[The hvMainMenu command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 1.14]
hvMainStatus text
Will arrange for the text to be displayed in the main window status
area when (one of) the MainWindow widget(s) created by this plug-in is being
displayed in the main window.
hvMainWindow pathname displayname ?show?
Creates a top level widget as a child of the HomeVision application main
window. A "View" menu will appear in the HomeVision application menu bar.
This "View" menu will have an entry for the Terminal Emulator and entries
for each top level widget created by the hvMainWindow command. This allows
the user to choose which information they like to see in the main window.
The show argument can be set to 1 to force
the new widget to appear when the plug-in is loaded.
hvMenu menu
command ?options?
Change the main menu bar or the system tray menu. Valid menu names are
initially: Main, File, Configure, Objects,
Control, Other, Advanced, Help and Tray.
When creating cascade menu entries, children of these menus can be added.
[The Tray menu was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.2]
hvObjectAction objectType objectNum ?type?
Returns or sets the action for the object specified by objectType
and objectNum. With the type argument high/on or low/off can be used
to select the desired action for object types that can have two
actions attached. Valid object types are: input, ir,
macro, pe, se, timer and x10.
hvObjectCount objectType
Return the number of objects of the sepcified object type.
hvObjectData objectType objectNum ?data?
Returns or sets the low level data of the object specified by
objectType and objectNum.
hvObjectDesc objectType objectNum ?description?
Returns or sets the description of the object specified by
objectType and objectNum.
hvObjectId objectType objectNum
Returns the object ID of the object specified by objectType and
objectNum. Only valid for object types: input, output and x10.
hvObjectLabel objectType
Returns or sets the label for the input or output port state.
hvObjectLoad objectType objectNum ?loadflag?
Returns or sets the load name flag of the object specified by
objectType and objectNum.
hvObjectName objectType objectNum ?name?
Returns or sets the name of the object specified by objectType and
hvObjectState objectType
?state? ?event?
Returns or sets the last known state of the object specified by objectType
and objectNum. If the event argument is true, other plug-ins will be informed
of the change by running the eventhook those plugins registered for the
relevant object update event.
[The event argument was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.3]
hvOpenSchedule filename ?option?
Close the current schedule and open the schedule specified by
filename. If filename is an empty string, an empty new schedule is
created. Possible options are:
- -nosave
- Don't save any changes to the current schedule.
- -save
- If there are changes to the current schedule, save them without
bothering the user.
hvPlayWavFile fileName
Play the WAV file using the WAV play command configured on the HomeVisionXL
PC software preferences screen.
[The hvPlayWavFile command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 1.10]
hvPrint text
Print text using the Print command configured on the HomeVisionXL PC
software preferences screen.
[The hvPrint command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 1.10]
hvPublic ?-origin? name
?command prefix ...?
Allow other plug-ins to invoke code in the current plug-in. The calling
plug-in would import the specified name using
the hvImport command.
If present, the command prefix specifies the
command name and zero or more initial arguments of the command to run in
the current plug-in when the calling plug-in invokes the imported command
name. If absent, the published
name will also be used as the command prefix
in the current plug-in.
When the -origin option is specified, the name of the calling plug-in
will be appended to command prefix before any arguments specified by the
calling plug-in when calling the imported command
[The -origin option was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b13]
The command returns the names of all plug-ins that have imported the
[The hvPublic command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 0.58]
hvQuit ?delay?
Terminate the plug-in. A delay may be specified during which time the
plug-in will not be terminated, not even if the HomeVisionXL application
itself is shutting down. The delay parameter is measured in milliseconds.
The delay parameter is normally only used in the exit event hook code. It
allows the plug-in to perform its clean up actions. This command may be
reissued later to correct the delay in case the cleanup takes less or more
time than expected.
If the command is used to terminate the plug-in before the exit event has
been received, the plug-in will be disabled.
[The hvQuit command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b8]
Similar to hvConfig, except the data becomes part of the currently opened
schedule instead of being stored in the HomeVisionXL resource file.
[The hvScheduleData command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.1]
Returns the filename of the current schedule file.
hvSendCommand command
Send command to the HomeVision controller.
The procedure returns any data in the controller's response. A timeout in
milliseconds can be specified which defaults to 2000. The maximum number of
attempts to send the command and get a response may be specified using the
repeat argument. HvXL will perform up to 2 attempts by default.
[The repeat argument was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.3]
hvSerialConfigure port setting ?value?
This commands allows the serial expansion board configuration settings to be
accessed from within a plug-in. The port argument selects which of the
HomeVision com ports to configure. Possible values are 2, 3, and 4.
The available settings are:
- state
- This setting indicates to the HomeVision controller if this serial
expansion board is installed. Possible values are: enabled and disabled.
- baudrate
- The baud rate to use for the serial connection. Possible values are: 300,
600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200.
- timeout
- The timeout to use for the serial port. Possible values are: None, 5ms,
10ms, 25ms, 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, and 400ms.
- mode
- The communication mode of the serial port. This is either full for a
full-duplex connection (RS232 or RS485 4-wire) of half for a half-duplex
connection (RS485 2-wire). This setting is only valid for serial ports 3 and
- binary
- Binary data reception setting. Possible values are 0 (or false/no) and
1 (or true/yes). This setting is only valid for serial ports 3 and 4.
- version
- The hardware version of the serial expansion board. Possible values are
1 and 2.
- description
- A (short) description for the serial port. This string is displayed in
all serial port commands and can be used as a reminder of the function of
the serial port.
[The description setting was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.1]
hvServer serverType
Configure the remote internet server settings. The existing server types are:
telnet and inet. If a subcommand has an optional
newValue argument and the argument is present,
the setting is updated. Otherwise the command returns the current setting.
Allowed subcommands are:
- address ?newValue?
- If the computer has multiple network interfaces, you can select on
which network interface the server will be listening for incoming
connection requests. The empty string will bind the server to all available
network interfaces. You can confine the server to all IPv4 interfaces only
by specifying, or all IPv6 interfaces by specifying ::.
- clients
- Returns a list of the currently connected clients in the format
- kill client
- Disconnect the specified client.
- password ?newValue?
- If you want to require the client to provide a password when accessing
the server, enter the password here. If you don't want to require a password,
leave this field blank.
- port ?newValue?
- You must tell the software which port number you want it to use on your
computer. It defaults to using port 1034 for the Telnet Server and 1043 for
the Homevision Server.
- start
- Start or restart the specified server. This command returns an empty
string if the server started successfully, or an error message when it failed.
- state ?newValue?
- Interrogate or modify the state setting for the specified server. The
state setting controls whether an attempt will be made to start the server
on startup of HomeVisionXL.
- stop ?kill?
- Shut down the specified server. No new connections will be accepted
after running this command until the server is started again. Existing
connections will not be torn down, unless the kill argument is
specified and has a logical true value (true, 1, on, yes, etc).
[The hvServer command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.1]
hvStateString objectType objectNum
Returns a string describing the last known state of the object specified by
objectType and objectNum.
hvSunRise ?date?
Returns the sunrise time as minutes past midnight for the specified date. If
no date is specified, todays sunrise time will be returned. The sunrise time
is calculated based on the configured user location settings. Date
may be specified in several formats. Example: "3/23", "mar 23", "23 march",
"tomorrow", "last week", "20070323", etc.
hvSunSet ?date?
Returns the sunset time as minutes past midnight for the specified date. If
no date is specified, todays sunset time will be returned. The sunset time
is calculated based on the configured user location settings. Date
may be specified in several formats. Example: "23 mar", "March 23", "+3
weeks", "3 days ago", or even "stardate 61224.7".
hvTrigger string ?script?
Specify a script to be executed when a defined string is received from the
HomeVision controller. The string is case insensitive.
When the string appears in the serial output from the Homevision controller,
the script is invoked with one additional argument. This argument is a string
containing all characters received from the HomeVision controller starting at
the trigger string. The script must return a value indicating the result of
processing the string:
- If the trigger has been processed successfully, the script must return
the total number of characters that were consumed from the input string in
order to process the trigger.
- If more data is needed to properly process the trigger, the script should
return 0. In that case the script will be called again when more serial data
is available.
- If the script cannot correctly parse the string and it can determine
that appending more data to the string will never lead to anything valid
either, it should return -1.
[Negative return values are supported since HomeVisionXL 2.1]
hvTriggerMessage message
Problems encountered while processing a trigger string can be reported to
the application using this command. The messages will be displayed on the
Serial Command Test screen.
[The hvTriggerMessage command was introduced in HomeVisionXL 2.0b1]
hvVariable variable
Returns or sets a .haf schedule variable. Valid variables are:
TempScale | 0 (Fahrenheit), -1 (Celsius) |
Latitude | -179.9 - 180.0 |
Longitude | -179.9 - 180.0 |
TimeZone | -12 - 12 |
DST | 0 (no), 1 (US), 2 (EU) |
WavePlayCommand | |
WaveFilePath | |
WriteToFilePath | |
LogDirectory | |
PrintCommand | |
HVDateTime | Read-only |
HVVersion | Read-only |
HVCheckSum | Read-only |
HVTW523Stat | Read-only |
HVRunning | Read-only |
HVSelfTest | Read-only |
HVError | Read-only |
HVFileDateTime | Read-only |
HVFileName | Read-only |
ResourceFile | Read-only |
I2CSlaveDict | Read-only (2.0b17) |
ImagePath | Read-only (2.0b18) |
Additionally all other properties from the General section of the
HomeVisionXL resource file may be interrogated. These properties can not be
modified. Some of the more useful ones for plug-ins are:
Device | Read-only |
BaudRate | Read-only |
HomeVisionPro | Read-only |
PaperSize | Read-only |
ToolTips | Read-only |
The hvVersion command returns the current version of the main
HomeVisionXL software. This information can be used to check that the main
program has all the capabilities needed for the plug-in to function.
Last modified: 9 May 2014, 18:02 CEST