HomeVisionXL Control Plugin

Warning! HomeVisionXL Control Plugin versions 4.0 and up are not compatible with older versions of the plugin. If you upgrade to version 4.0 or higher, you will have to recreate your control screens.

The HomeVision Control plugin allows users to create their own screen layout for controlling and displaying all available objects in a schedule.

screen shot

The user can create multiple pages with buttons and labels that can be interactively positioned and reshaped. The buttons and labels can be configured to display text or an image and even a combination of the two. Calculations can be performed on the object state and the result can be translated into a descriptive string before displaying the information. It is also possible to display an image based on the result of the calculation. A button can perform a sequence of actions, like setting a variable and then executing a macro. The user also has full control over the color, font and appearance of the labels and buttons.

To allow the plug-in to keep track of object state changes, automatic reporting has to be configured.

The picture above uses a custom widget style, a feature that was introduced in version 4.2 of the plug-in. This requires quite a bit of processor power for doing the image processing. On slower machines it may be better to stick to the "Plain" widget style. Plain widgets can be drawn much faster than widgets created by stretching an image.

Image formats

On its own the plug-in only recognizes the GIF image format. Support for additional image formats can be added by installing the pixane image handling library from Evolane. Just download the pixane zip archive and unzip it in the plug-in directory. The plug-in will then automatically find the library the next time it is started.


Here are some screen shots of what other users did with this plugin:

I would like to receive screen shots from other users to post here as well. To send me your screen shots, please use Alt-PrintScreen to capture the control plugin window only. Then save the captured screen as a PNG or GIF for best results. The JPEG image format is less suited for screen shots. You can send the screen shots to:
email address

For more information, see the help pages included in the control plugin.

Last modified: 2 March 2009, 21:42 CEST